
Gremkin (aka Capitalism: The Species)

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Origin: Goldgrist
Average Height: About 3 feet at lower Tiers, up to 15 feet at the highest Tiers
Average Lifespan: 150 years at low Tiers, more at higher Tiers
Preportions: 3 heads - 1:1:1
Typical Known Languages: Universal Speech, Imptounge
Known Factions: Gremkin Pirate Corps, Greenflower

In A Nutshell...

Gremkin, often times abbreviated as "Grem", a species that vastly vary in size and shape, depending on their social status. Literally, they will undergo a kind of rapid metamorphosis depending on the amount of "Net Worth" they have, based on their wealth, influence, property and the like. Think of capitalism... now make a species based around 'em. That. That's them. They can range from 3 feet all the way up to 15 feet depending on what stage of metamorphosis they're at and the metamorphosis can go back AND forth as their social status changes. Regardless, at all stages, Gremkin are a lavender-ish, purple bipedal species with bright yellow eyes that glow in the dark, sharp claw and a rather sizeable set of sharp teeth. Seriously, they can bite clean through a coconut with those things.

They're also counted as one of the Cursed Species following The Fall, due to their greed. That's kiiiiinda the whole reason why they're the living embodiment of capitalism.

Resilient and Reckless

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I wasn't joking, either. Grems have a rather sturdy build, being able to take a beating and withstand a lot of abuse. Their teeth and claws are very tough, as is the rest of their bones. It takes a serious amount of force to even bruise their bones and their skin is about as tough. Fire seems to glance off them as well. All this allows them to come up with some rather dangerous technology and weapons... given, the testing phase of these things are usually reserved for the lower tier Grems, usually Gremkin Grunts. Their supperiors tend to use them as fodder for experimenting weapons and technology and for front line raiding groups. It's not uncommon to see one get blown up, set on fire, electrocuted, warped and so on by their peers or by their own selves... and survive. This doesn't help matters when Grunts are particularly... err, well, in a word... stupid. They tend to do self-abusive nonsense when they're bored, along side of being abused. Seriously, if you have a bunch of them under you, you need to keep an eye on them. Some of the smarter Grunts will stay out of trouble, but most of them you wouldn't wanna leave on their own around hazardous things. They get really inventive. Seriously, they're the type to make saltwater into gasoline... and then set something on fire... probably a random one in the group.

Mad Science Space Pirates

Aside from most of the Grunts, Gremkin can be as creative as they can be reckless. They use a combination of Magic and Science both to make their stuff. What do they make? Wellllll, depends. If they're with Nazoma, it's likely they'll make whatever they're selling. Nazoma covers a huge array of products, as you would think an intergalactic megacorporation would. If they aren't assembling something, they're maintaining the robotics that do tasks in the warehouses or doing something simple, like packaging or shipping or cargo. F-Tiers are typically assigned to the more dangerous products or product testing or something. (More on F-Tiers below in the Social section.) Where as the higher Ranks are more in the "office work" and "management" areas of the job.

Grems that are with the Gremkin Pirate Corps, it's usually weapons. Not always, but usually. What kind? Well, they go from conventional to really awkward and weird. Examples include a giant hammer that splits into two and back again, a device that sets the user on fire for a more wreckless attack, grenades that multiply (or divide) gravity, a gun that shoots thin, razor sharp disks that bounce around rooms like crazy--that one is still in testing. They also make really crazy robots. The Headburster is one of their most notorious ones, a floating balloon mine that patrols areas, expelling toxins that paralyze anyone that breathes it and chase down, latch to and explode on intruders with incredible force... with a goofy skull face on them, because... I guess it's a psychological thing at that point. The lower Tier Grems will likely be the subject of testing or something or as front line fighters and raiders, where as higher Tiers are more commanders and logistics, but they have been known to get their hands dirty, too.... and they're VERY capable fighters.

Basic Information



Skin, Bones and Teeth

A Gremkin's appearance can change rather drastically depending on what Tier they are, but they do have many similar features none-the-less. They usually have a lavender colored skin, sometimes having blue or red hues. They all have really hardened claws and teeth capable of scratching metal. This also means they're rather resilient to injury.

Glowy Eyes

Their eyes have black sclera with a bright colored iris that are bioluminescent. In a Gremkin's case, they usually have yellow or amber irises, but in some more uncommon cases they can have lime green or red-orange irises.


They also have rather long ears that sweep back towards their back. The smaller Tier's ears usually stand up on their own, while larger ones have ears that droop, as they tend to get longer as their Tier increases.

Rather Fluffy

Thought you wouldn't normally see it, because they like to hide their heads under hats and hoods, they actually have quite a bit of hair on them. It's pretty soft, even. Not sure if it's a Gremkin shampoo or if they're born with it, but they have soft, full hair that covers their head and runs down their spine, kind of like on a dragon you'd see bone spikes running down the spine, but with fluff. They have a short tail, where the fluff runs down and finally ends at the tip. This fur gets burnt rather often and easy, especially due to the Grems tendencies to self-destruct, but it grows back rather quickly, too. They are, unfortunately, prone to shedding, even during hot seasons, so they comb their hair often to prevent leaving a buncha hair everywhere. As for color, their fur is usually light blonde or pale yellow or red, but it's not uncommon to see dark purple or blue. So... most colors you'd see on humans, plus purple and blue.

Growth Rate & Stages

When a Gremkin is born, it starts off as a baby like most creatures. Once it hits the age of 10, it's given a stimulus check of 1,000 UEC (which is roughly $1,000 USD, if the US's economy is still good when you read this) and given an entry level job by an upper Tier they've been assigned to. This is when they're officially dubbed a Grunt.

...Well, unless they were born outside of the Gremkin Pirate Corp. This is unlikely, but the movement of Greenflower is aiming to integrate Grems into society as anyone else is, so in that case, they can choose their own job and are given whatever their parents are willing to spare and such. You know, like a human would set out on their own. They still do seek employment at 10, as it's in their nature to work hard and early, but a lot of societies frown upon child labor, so they'll take up paper routes and mow lawns or whatever kid jobs they can get. The competition gets heavy, but unlike their Pirate brothers and sisters, they tend to collaborate more to maximize efforts... and profit! Hey, they want candy and videogame money, too. They're just really, REALLY good at it.
 Gremkin usually live up to about 150 years as a Grunt (assuming they don't do something fatal before that), but if they climb Tiers, this can add or take away years of their life rather dynamically. Pawns have been known to live up to 175, for instance, but if they fall back to Grunt around the 160 mark, it's almost as if the ratio is adjusted accordingly to where they'd be in younger in Grunt Tier. Basically, it's safe to assume that the higher up you are, the less you age. This is particularly apparent when up around Rook tier, as they can live for thousands of years. I mean, the King is almost rumored to be immortal to aging all together, as their hasn't been a new King in a very, very, very long time... as in tens of thousands of years.

Ecology and Habitats

Gremkin can be found anywhere, really, as they tend to deploy operations everywhere to maximize profit. Goldgrist is rather polluted and has been transformed over time into a cyborg planet. They live in mechanical and industrial homes, typically, if they've moved out on their own, but if not, they tend to dorm up at whatever place they work. All things considered, they're given some pretty comfy rooms.

Dietary Needs and Habits

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They crave a lotta proteins. Meat, meat and more meat. They can eat most things, but meat is a need for them. You oughta see them on Roast Day. Despite the dire working conditions they're usually brought up in, they eat really well and Roast Day compounds on this. Once a month, they typically give out, as the name implies, a big ol' cartoon looking roast to about 20 or 30 Gremkin Grunts to encourage them to work harder than usual. The top one might even get dessert, so the stakes are pretty high!

...Err, Pawns and up eat well anyways. Usually they all get roast on Roast Day.

At any rate, it's more a necessity than a charity. Gremkin have elevated metabolism and that probably helps them recover from whatever injuries or what have you on the job that may happen. It's a bit odd, too, since they don't change size much at all due to the curse... hmm.

Biological Cycle

When a Gremkin is born, it's considered a baby until age 10. As a baby, they don't have their claws and fur quite yet and they don't get their site until about a year in. Once it hits year 10, though, puberty has never been as quick and as confusing as a Gremkin changing Tier. This is when it undergoes it's first metamorphosis and becomes a Grunt. It gets it's claws, it's fur, it grows to about 3 feet and after that... well, it's up to how far they get up the ladder. That's literally how most of their biology works.
 Other than that, they tend to get thicker coats of fur in winter, as of all things to be weak against, they're awfully weak against the cold. As summer comes around, expect a LOT of shedding, though.


Gremkin Tiers: Society's Leaderboard

So, in case you didn't catch on by now, Gremkin are extremely materialistic by not just their culture, but their nature. (Again, they're a Cursed Species) The reason is the way the will rapidly metamorph into higher (or lower) tiers depending on how much "Net Worth" they wield in their society. This Net Worth is mainly all their wealth, influence and literal power all translated into a number of monetary value and it's put on a massive leaderboard simple known as The Leaderboard. Literally, if you're a Gremkin, you have a Serial Number (yes, like a product), a "Net Worth" and a Rank. (And if you Rank high enough, you even get a Name.) The Ranks are divided into Tiers and your Tier dictates how a Gremkin will metamorph. The higher the Tier, the more power and influence you have over the rest of the Grems directly. So, The Leaderboard as a literal power struggle. The big goal of any Gremkin is to reach Knight, seeing as getting any higher is borderline impossible. You'd have to be part of the Gremkin King's Court at that point and THAT... is a dream feat.

Gremkin Ranks


Only the top one million Gremkin get a Tier. Heck, they're the only ones that get to even have a name. Until they get enough Net Worth to get on The Leaderboard, they're literally called "Grunt" or something like that and their only name is their Serial Number. They all dress the same and act the same and maybe, just maybe they'll get promoted someday... maybe... we'll see.

Top 1,000,000: High Grunts

A High Grunt are usually just called a "Grunt", but they've proven to be useful enough to do specific tasks. This is where you'll start to see some of them dress different to accommodate their specializations and have titles pertaining to what they do, such as Gremkin Masher or Gremkin Troubleshooter. Some of the even higher ones may earn a nickname from one of the upper ups! Competition starts to flourish here for the race up for a place amongst the Pawns.

Top 100,000: Pawns

Pawns are where you'll start to actually see a change in appearance and size. This is usually where you'll see the intelegent ones show up, too... usually. Depends on the Grem. Pawns are usually given a small squad of "subordinates" from the Grunts, either to work a certain area or as a small squad they'll control for operations. Pawns are pretty strong as it is, even on their own. This is when a Grems latent abilities start to show, should they have any.

Top 10,000: Bishops

Gremkin Bishops are Gremkin that have proven to be reliable in operations and have show a lot of skill in what they do. They're the type that can destroy a tank with a well placed fireball and use weapons and technology with ease. They're a LOT to handle if they're put on the front lines of combat. Don't be surprised if they've got a small platoon of Grunts with them. They aspire to impress the King themselves in order to gain status, power and of course Net Worth to get promoted to Rook. To put them in business terms, these are the big managers. If your name is Karen, you'll wanna talk to these guys.

Top 1,000: Knights

Knights, like the Bishops, they've proven useful in operations, usually specializing in high tech robots and mechs, weapons and some serious magical firepower. Rather than blowing up a tank, they prefer crushing one with a giant hammer... or, you know, explosives. Or even better, they'll throw a small army of Grunts at anything they need done. They too wish to impress the King to get their Net Worth up to Rook Tier and odds are, they'll be considered by the Gremkin Pirate Corp at this point, sometimes getting Trial Operations from headquarters. You get picked, that's and easy street to a high Knight or Rook tier. To put these guys into business tiers, these are your big, rich CEO types. Executives, if you will. They have money rolling in passively at this point.

Top 100: Rooks

Now we enter the Tiers that work with The Gremkin King in the Gremkin Pirate Corp Headquarters Castle on their home planet Goldgrist. Gremkin Rooks guard the castle from anyone stupid enough to try to attack. They're extremely powerful in Magic and Science. Just one of them can level a large building with little effort. The competition to get higher up on The Leaderboard seems to all but stop at this point. No one can tell if this is because usurping a superior is far too risky to lose it all now or maybe they prefer to work collaboratively to keep the rest below them. Even if a Rook is broke financially, their status alone can be enough to keep their Tier. Financial AND status security. In business terms, these are CEOs to the CEOs.

Top 10: Jesters

And now we have the Top 10, starting with the Jesters... yes, there are Jesters in this list. Less to do with entertainment, though, despite the name. They work as advisors to the King, talking about where they'd like to raid next or what kinds of operations they want to set in motion.

Top 2: Queens

Despite the title "Queen", this Tier (as well as King) doesn't refer to gender. In fact, there have been male Queens in the past. At this stage, who can compete with you? You've gained more than enough Net Worth to set you for the rest of your life. At this point, do what you will, just as long as it's okay with the King. Also, as a Queen, you protect the King at all costs, but more than likely, you'll never have to. There hasn't been anyone able to break past the Rooks.

Number 1: King

Finally, we have The Gremkin King, a vastly rich, vastly powerful, probably immortal Gremkin. What he says, goes. Period. When you're this powerful, there's no one that can say otherwise. There hasn't been a new King in tens of thousands of years. No one has been able to usurp him and he hasn't died from old age. What does one do when they have everything? Whatever amuses you. Destroy planets, create black holes and stars, whatever. Really though, planet conquest is more entertaining if you watch the lower Tiers scramble about and do your bidding. It's like one big old board game.

F-Tier Work

If a Grem screws up in a big way or outright protest work, you could be subjected to F-Tier Work, in Gremkin society. (aka, being fired, but not being fired) This is jobs that no one would ever, ever want... you know, permanent latrine duty, test subjecting, scrubbing and maintaining machines- it gets dangerous when they never stop those things. The odds of a Grem getting out of F-Tier depends on how bad your infraction is. Some that've been subject to it for an undetermined time are sometimes jokingly referred to as being "fired", which is a lot more degrading as it sounds to Grems. Of course a Gremkin could simply "quit", but it's a sure fire way to send your name to the bottom of the Leaderboard... also, no Roast Day.

Given, there is an exception to this and that's if everyone has actually been on the up and up. If a Grem volunteers (or is volunteered by raffle) and is assigned F-Tier, they're treated the same as if they're all green. Some work places are generous enough to let those Grems take a couple extra minutes on break, which is pitiful to anyone else, but to a Grem, that's a field trip. Also, free soda pop tokens (maybe)! Yaaaay~!

It's not just for Gremkin, either. People who have been either stupid enough or desperate enough to have taken some form of loan from a Gremkin, odds are you'll be working it off from this tier for a long time. The big difference here is it's legally binding, yet it's reserved to less... uh, potentia5lly lethal jobs. We don't want a lawsuit here. That's time AND money.

Reformed Gremkin?

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There have been some efforts by a certain group of Gremkin to actually break away from the norm that the species had set for themselves. Most of the time, if a Grem even remotely expresses a want of change or not wanting to live for assets and gain, they get docked in some way, either by reputation, money, anything. Ultimately, they drop in the big Leaderboard of their society or worse, they get punished with F-Tier work or probation or at the very worst, they quit whatever their job is. Given the Gremkin's reputation, this means they'd end up homeless, if they refused the F-Tier work. There have only been a few that've stuck to it and it really shows, if you ever end up seeing them somewhere, likely in beggar status. This, however, hasn't stopped a certain group from forming that aims to change that.

Greenflower is a up-and-coming group that aim to gather as many Gremkin as they can from F-Tier work or unemployment or what have you. Their aim is to do community services and get regular ol' jobs... that's it, really. They're trying to fit themselves back into society and prove that there are Gremkin that don't want all profit at the price of whatever or whoever. Greenflower's leaders are Sydney Green, a Gremkin Pawn and former warehouse manager for Nazoma, and Myii Flower, the Gremkin they first escape their post from. (You can see where they got the name, right? :P)

This has made the other Gremkin factions ratherrr... defensive. What started as an amusement for them is now turning into an "underground railroad" situation. Given their greed, they see employees as "assets" and losing them to Greenflower is now not only a loss in their eyes, but reputationally speaking, could influence their position on the Leaderboard, too. What's worse is if Greenflower gains enough momentum, that... is what they would call "competition" and that's not acceptable. This has lead most Nazoma warehouses to lock down their employees into a kind of "work is your home" mindset and leaving is completely out of the question, being met with force or worse. So, where as Greenflower has had a good impact on Gremkin and societies view on them, they've also stirred Nazoma (and the Gremkin Pirate Corp, too, even though leaving them is... ill-advised, regardless.) to take action to ensure that no employees get any ideas about leaving.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

HAH! "Exploitation" you say? They exploit their subordinates for profit. C'mon. If you, an outside source and Non-Grem, pay an upper Tier enough, you can buy a Grunt and get 'em to do whatever you want. They can and will sell their subordinates out for money.